

Musicians, sound engineers, cameramen, editors, etc. all in one

Deathlect band was founded by Péter Szentiványi and László Vas in 1995. As in almost all smaller bands, everything is made in-house. We have been making music for our own pleasure for several decades (Iron: rhythm guitar, lead guitar, Peter: vocals, bass, keyboard instruments, etc.). Now we think the time has come to release our music and continue to show our latest songs in the future.

Péter Szentiványi (Peter)
He has been making music since he was 16 years old. He learned to play a keyboard instrument, and later continued on the bass guitar. In 2020, he also became the singer of the band. He likes almost all musical styles, but the main direction in his life is represented by rock and metal music. He works full-time with research and development as an innovator-inventor and developer.
László Vas (Iron)
He started playing the guitar at the age of 15. He has been under the influence of rock and metal since childhood. He listens to many different styles of music. He is particularly interested in Hungarian rock and metal bands and musicians. He works full-time for an energy company.


